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First English project, first blog, hope this works out

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

{Mr. Kenducky]

Ratslink. Tim Seow. To the public who wish to stalk me: I'm a kid who takes buses 196, 197 or 31 from Victoria School to Bedok Interchange everyday. Try figuring out which one is me.

{The Steaks.]
Vincent Wong
The Nicholas Koo
Xian Jun
Damian Chua
Nicholas Low
Royston WAH( a.k.a Ali Wah)

January 2010





Monday, January 25, 2010
About Myself

Yes, I do realise that this introduction is rather late. However, this will be the final post of this blog unless there is a subsequent assignment requiring us to continue posting stuff.

So who am I(I'm sure you don't know)? My name is Timothy, otherwise known as ratslink. I like that name. It was one of the few random names I came up with about 5 years ago. I like it because I can simply continue adding 'rats' and 'link' behind the name if I make multiple accounts. A few examples are 'ratslinkrats', 'ratslinkratslink', 'ratslinkratslinkrats' and so on. I also have accounts with the name of 'linkrats' and 'linkratslink'.

Moving on to my hobbies. I take pleasure in watching television programmes and doing pull ups when I'm bored.

I enjoy most kinds of sports. Sports are really exciting and keeps me fit. I think everyone should take up at least one sport.

My co-curricular activity(CCA) is track and field. I certainly do like it and I do not intend to quit it anytime soon. I find it is exceptionally enjoyable and exciting as it helps train many muscles of the body. A few such muscles are the biceps, triceps, pectorials and one which i especially love, the latissimus dorsi.

When I study I like listening to music while studying because I do believe that it can help me concentrate better. My mum thinks otherwise and hates it when I plug in my earphones when I'm doing my homework.

Oh well, I've revealed too much about myself. I'm sure the world would want to know about me. Good night, world.


Sunday, January 24, 2010

One fine and lovely day, i switched on my television and watched a scary documentary. No, it isn't about ghosts or monsters. It isn't about destruction or hell. Neither is it about the world running out of cheese and everyone being forced to eat terrible lasagne for the rest of their lives. This documentary was about insomnia. Insomnia that was fatal.

Fatal insomnia is a genetic sleep disorder that strikes during middle age and results in death, as the name suggests. Throughout the show, there were many footages of a man who couldn't sleep. I'm unable to recall his name, but I do know that he passed away because of his disorder.

Based on what i know about fatal insomnia, there are a things that the 'victim' undergoes. First, he just couldn't sleep. It started off slow, with him having trouble sleeping. However, his condition became worse and eventually he couldn't sleep at all. It was stated that he did sleep, but he dreamt. That showed that his brain wasn't resting and could not recover from exhaustion.

Later into the last months of his life, he went mad. He literally went crazy. The doctor interviewed described him as a body with no soul controlling it. That was scary. Really scary. The man had absolutely no control over his body.

Lastly, he died. He died because he lacked of REM sleep( I'm not sure what it stands for but i do know it's simply called deep sleep). This may not seem frightening but it really was when I watched it.

Now we all know how important sleep is to us, let's appreciate the fact that we can sleep.

Got to go catch some sleep now.


Friday, January 22, 2010
My School Day(WOW)

Today, my day in school started with the much-awaited Mother Tongue lesson.(We all LOVE it, don't we?) After managing to survive an hour and 10 minutes of Chinese, we moved on to Mathematics lesson. Well, skipping to recess. To put it simply, it was boring because it rained. Unable to have our daily dose of pull ups, we just walked around school. We discovered many things during that time. Did you know, for the tennis members, stealing of balls during their training is not tolerated? Neither did I.

After recess we went to the Science Lab to perform interesting experiments. We dropped little slices of agar jelly into dilute hydrochloric acid. The result? The agar slices turned pink. That made them look kind of ghastly in the hydrochloric acid. That lesson was followed by English. We continued watched Dirty Harry. As the story progressed, I could tell the class got more and more quiet...

For lunch, I went with a few friends to Mcdonald's for lunch. There, we met a certain friend of a friend. After lunch, I had CCA training. This training was special to me, as it was the day that our coach would measure the height we could use our poles to vault over. The height determined who would represent the school in the upcoming competition in April. Surprisingly, I managed to clear 2.6 metres! But I failed to do the same with 2.8 metres. That really made me demoralized... However, there is still time to train and do better. That, I must do.

That concluded my day in school. Thanks for managing to keep awake through those 253 words.


Wednesday, January 20, 2010
My Weird Obsession: Hair

No, I am not obsessed with styling my hair into weird spikes that protrude out of our delicate scalp. This is a VERY peculiar obsession. An obsession with curly hair. Or wavy hair. Call it what you want, I absolutely love studying them. I got a 'sample' from Kendrick. It was like a roller coaster track that all thrill-seekers would want to ride(no offence). From the first side, it went up and down and carried on for an approximate distance of 2 centimetres. All of a sudden, the hair makes a perfect 360° loop. Then, it makes a steep turn to the end of the 'track'.

The amazing thing is, no matter how straight one's hair from afar may seem, there is seems to always a curled hair. Take Vincent, for example. His hair seems straight at first sight, but once you study it closer, it really is VERY curly.

Though most people usually have at least 1 curly hair on their heads, there are some with extremely straight ones. For the record, I haven't found a single curly hair on this boy's head. I've been searching for 2 weeks now, but haven't found anything that interests me. This boy is, none other than, Yao Chen. His hair is straight to the root.

Unlike Yao Cheng, Nicholas Koo has curly hair all over. However, he is not the only one. My 'studies' show that Royston, Hubert, Kendrick, Paras, Faris, Amsyar and I share his hair pattern. All of us are proud owners of hair that loops, curves and splits(at least, I am proud of it).

To conclude this post, I would like everyone to understand that hair is one of the best parts of our body. No matter how curly or straight it is, hair makes us look good, and feel good. Especially curled ones.


Tuesday, January 19, 2010

During the December holidays last year, my family and I went to Japan for holiday. Accompanied by a friend's family, we stayed there for a total of 12 days. Transiting at the Kualur Lumpur International Airport, the flight there lasted a total of 8 hours, not including the 2 hours of transit time.

Once we touched down at the Narita International Airport in Tokyo, we boarded a chartered bus to our hotel. By the time we reached, it was already 7 pm at night and we were all dog tired and hungry.

While in Japan, we visited various parts of the country. Out of the many parts of which we went to, I enjoyed the time we spent in Osaka the most. Though known for its tradition, shopping and food, I enjoyed the time we spent in Universal Studios theme park most(as a male, I don't think I'll ever enjoy shopping). The theme park, was MAGNIFICENT. Grand music heard once you step into the mini city, everything about it seemed perfect. That is, until I discovered all audio was in the Japanese language. Despite the language barrier, I thoroughly enjoyed my experience there.

Another amusement park we went to wasa local one in the Tokyo Dome City. That amusement park boasted a roller coaster, the Thunder Dolphin(LaQua), that shot through what they called the 'world's first center-less ferris wheel'. It started with a drop at an angle of 80° and reached a top speed of 130km/h. Other than that one roller coaster, the rest of the rides were boring.

During the trip, we visited many famous landmarks, one of which is the Tokyo Tower. We went to Hakone, where we were offered a scenic view of the area while we sat on a cable car. In Tokyo, we visited the world-renowned Tsukiji Fish market. It literally stank there. We also visited Tokyo Disneysea. I won't go into detail about my experience at Disneysea because that place was a huge disappointment.

When we returned to Singapore, I told Joshua and Nicholas Koo about my trip. Only to find out that Nicholas went to Tokyo Disneyland AND Disneysea, while Joshua went to the United States' Disneyland and Universal Studios. Oh, the jealousy.


Monday, January 18, 2010

Hello. This is my first time making a blog and it really is pathetic. And for a certain reason i feel the songs don't suit the template...